Stupurai Village Rural Community Spit Cake "Šakotis" Making Activities
The Stupurai village rural community has been alive for almost a decade. Its strength is openness to new ideas and hard-working people, whose ideas and activities are famous throughout the region. A lot of things are made in the rural community house – long-branch spit cakes, homemade bread, tasty cakes, linseed oil and hemp oil are produced, berries and fruit are lyophilised and curd cheeses are made. When visiting the rural community house, you will have the chance to not only assess the Semigallian hospitality but also enrich your house-keeping skills – in an educational programme Traditions of Rural Cuisine in a New Way you can grasp the peculiarities of tree cake making, hear how the spit cake rooted into the history of cuisine, get a small spit cake as a gift, press some fresh oil or, if interested, get to know how a modern lyophilisation system works. A warm welcome and a lavish feast table – that’s Stupurai rural community’s visiting card.
2 Alyvų St, Stupurai, Joniškis district
+370 620 26 732
(Pre-registration is obligatory)