Writer Jolita Skablauskaitė Square


Writer Jolita Skablauskaitė Square

Jolita Skablauskaitė (1950-2018) is a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union, Lithuanian poet, prose writer and artist born in Kuisiai Village (Joniškis district), who spent a considerable amount of her life living and creating in Joniškis. Her creative legacy is her two books of poetry, four books of short stories and novellas, and seven novels, often illustrated by the author herself, all published by the most prestigious Lithuanian publishers. She is considered one of the most original writers in Lithuania and she was awarded the Antanas Jonynas and Žemaitė literary prizes. Based on her works, the director Algimantas Puipa created the art films Žaibo nušviesti (Eng. Illuminated by Lightning) and Žuvies diena (Eng. Fish Day), and the director Agnė Marcinkevičiūtė – the documentary film Vienatvės gaudesys (Eng. Roar of Loneliness).
The square named after the writer Jolita Skablauskaitė is marked by a decorative sign with coloured lighting that makes the square look mysterious in the evenings. The benches in the square are decorated with quotes from her works. This place to commemorate the writer was not chosen by chance. It is a symbolic crossroad in the writer's life – the last years of her life were spent in the nearby retirement home Santara, and the house of the writer's parents, where her childhood and youthful days were spent, is located on the nearby Varpas Street.
The idea of naming the square after Jolita Skablauskaitė was implemented at the initiative of the Joniškis branch of the Semigallia Cultural Society and other enthusiasts.

GPS:56.246787, 23.619217

Livonijos St and Varpo St junction, Joniškis